The Gar's

Guide to Ascension


Hot Tip: The SLAM Rocket
From: The Gar

Deploy Text:
Card Text:
SLAM Rocket starts with 3 tokens and can only be deployed in cities with SLAM Launcher. Tap and discard to do 6 points of damage to target base. SLAM Rocket is not protected by bases, connect be a target of Interventions, Enhancements or friendly special abilities, and attacks on it cannot be blocked. If it moves or is untapped at the end of the turn, a token is consumed. If there are no tokens at the end of the turn, it's destroyed.
Things to think about:
  • SLAM Rockets CAN be attacked, and the attacks on them cannot be blocked. Use "Nuke deployment" strategies before moving this puppy in for the kill.
  • You CAN have multiple SLAMs in the air, even from a single launcher. Remember, if it is tapped WITHOUT MOVING, it will not consume a token. Use either general tap capabilities or MECH tap capabilities to keep SLAMs tapped until you are ready for the kill. For example, concussion, and move 4 SLAMs into position.
  • SLAM Rockets lose a token when they move. Make sure you deploy your launcher "within range" of the enemy target!
Card artwork by Bruce Pattnaude, ChronX and associated items are trademarked by Genetic Anomalies.

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