The Gar's

Guide to Ascension


Hot Tip: FailSafe and the Inner Circle Angels
From: The Gar

Deploy Text:
Inner Circle Angel:
Card Text:
Dominus is immune to Poison, Viruses, Implants, Stimulants, and Radiation, cannot be the target of interventions or be blocked by more than one asset. At the beginning of your turn, Dominus heals 10 Hit Points. Spend 1 Military resource point to gain +1 Firepower until the end of your turn. This ability may be used once per turn. When Dominus is killed it is removed from the game. You may not have more than one Angel in play or in your hand.
While Dominus doesn't have the stats to cause fear and trembling, its his near invulnerability that should cause you to shake. If you don't do a 20+ firepower attack on Dominus, at the end of the turn, you might as well not have bothered.

Some players have mentioned that you have to do "so much work" to get FailSafe AI to pay off, that its not worth it. Au contraire, mon ami! The programs which are required to run have power such as nothing we have seen before. And they are all stackable!

    Let's take a look:
  • Failsafe Core Memory This program is the equivalent of a Tomb of the Ninth Master . . . with NO downside! Each one running generates a CyberOps resource point each turn. Yes, Each One. Would you like 4 extra CyberOps points per turn? Tahda!
  • Failsafe Limbic Subsystem This program is focalized damage! Run four of these, and you get to pick which asset(s) in the world to damage. Blockers gotcha down? Can't kill that pesky base? Bypass it! Hit them directly with Limbic! One point of damage, per turn, per program copy, at no cost, to any asset anywhere in the world!
  • Failsafe Semantic Network What kind of deck should you run with Failsafe? A MECH deck! Draw a mechanical asset per turn per copy running.
    A couple dangers to remember:
  • You will probably be running a mech deck...Don't forget to have a way of producing military resources! Dominus attacks with Mil, and Moves with Covert. Make sure you remember to keep him equipped with both.
  • To use this deck to the maximum, you will want to be able to hold a lot of programs, in case you have trouble getting out your big CA programmers. Two comments: 1) USE CODE VAULT! 2) Consider the addition of CA enhancers to your deck. Cortical Augmentation, Stormcatcher AI, or Psychotropic Juice might help you get the big guns out. Make a Bion Cell your programmer if that's what's on hand!
Card artwork by Cortney Skinner, ChronX and associated items are trademarked by Genetic Anomalies.

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